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Your 10 key points - when choosing a wedding photographer

A few words of advice for those looking for a wedding and events photographer:

1, There are many hobby photographers who charge money for shooting weddings, they may look legit, with a website, Facebook page, Twitter account and so on, but sadly they are not.

2, Will they be able to show you their liability and indemnity insurance certificates?

3, Will they be using quality cameras, flash guns and lenses? I can tell you that they won't. Enthusiast and lower grade cameras that produce unacceptable noise in low light, cheap lenses = a cheap end product. A full frame camera is not necessarily a good camera, don't be charmed by inflated claims.

4, Will they have a contract for you to read and sign?

5, How about a pre-wedding shoot list, will they be able to give you one of those?

6, Have you read their recommendations, do they have a handful or a lot?

7, Are they able to show you more than a dozen weddings from start to finish if you so desire? Or are they simply showing you their best shots. Are they consistent in their work??

8, How long have they been established for?? I can tell you that in my first year I charged nothing for my work, until I had built up my skill and experience - shooting weddings! Don't be fooled by someone who claims years of experience as a portrait photographer, landscape, star trails, etc. These are not weddings, and a wedding photographer is an entirely different proposition all together - with a unique skill base. Less than a years' experience - ask them to shoot your wedding for free.

9, Do they use back up equipment? Do they use dual card slots in their cameras? What if they don't and the card being used fails?? Do they have two cameras - and by that I mean two quality pro level cameras? Back up lenses, back up flash guns? How many camera batteries do they carry, how many spare SD cards??

10, Are they a registered company - or a fly by night wannabe?

So whoever you choose, please consider that these moments captured by camera and professional should last you a lifetime, you should feel joy and excitement every time you view them - not disappointment and heartache. Typically wannabe wedding photographers target the poorest claiming a 'value for money' service. Nothing could be further from the truth....

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